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Updated December 29, 2024
Chinchilla, Shaded Silver, Shaded Golden, Blue Shaded Golden Persians

Silver Reign Prince Romance
Shaded Golden
Born 0923/2020
Sire: SMGC Nice Cats Orso of Silver Reign CNW, RW
Dam: Castlegate Splendora of Silver Reign

Castlegate's LuvsBlue of Silver Reign
Blue Shaded Golden
Born 09/16/2019 from USA
Sire: GC Castlegate's BlueMax
Dam: GC Castlegate's Holly GoLightly

SMGC Nice Cats Orso of Silver Reign CNW, RW
Shaded Golden
Born 10/18/2018 from Paris
Sire: Nice Cats Mercure
Dam: Nice Cats Lesia

Retired living with my Aunt & Uncle
CH Narf Pavel of Silver Reign
Silver Mac Tabby
Born 04/25/2019 from Spain
Sire: Castlegate's Love Potion #9
Dam: Nightskys Noma

Retired living with a fabulous home in Toronto
CH Rosa Argentata's Ciccio of Silver Reign
Shaded Silver
Born 09/16/2018 from Italy
Sire: CH Mellow Rose's Hotspot
Dam: Rosa Argentata Angelina Jolie

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